What I Do

Currently I work at USPTO as a Primary Patent Examiner in Electrical/Computer Engineering to evaluate patent applications in the NetworkPrinting, Scanning, Color, Halftone, Image Analysis, Data Compression, Data Analysis, Data Encryption, Barcode Symbology, FAX/PRINTER/SCANNER Technology and Display System arts for compliance with federal patent laws and regulations.
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Play a critical role in giving inventors exclusive rights over their discoveries.
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Review patent applications to ensure conformity to formal requirements.
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Write legal office actions on patentability and respond to patent applicants.



Python, Perl, R, PHP, Matlab/GNU Octave, bash/shell, some superficial knowledge of C, common LISP and Haskell; markup languages including LATEX/XƎTEX, R Markdown, HTML, CSS.


English 🇺🇸  | Amharic 🇪🇹

Usual Workflow

I use a vim-based setup in a tiling window manager (i3-gaps). I compile documents using R Markdown or LATEX, and biber for references. I prefer to do multimedia manipulation in the terminal with tools like imagemagick and ffmpeg for extensibility’s sake. I’ve run Microsoft, MacOS and GNU/Linux systems (both Debian and Arch-based varieties).

Programs I’m Familiar With

tmux, ssh, RStudio, Blender, Praat, Audacity, E-Prime, GIMP, pandoc, Jupyter. I’ve managed websites manually via ssh and vim using HTML/CSS/PHP and with tools such as Github Pages (Jekyll) WordPress via either cpanel or wp-cli.
